Day one: 24hrs of fasting, numerous bloods, an ECG and finally at 2pm Piper's first ketocal fluids.... We're off and running! aiming towards a state of Ketosis!
Day two: Piper has already gone into Ketosis although an estimated twenty seizures throughout the day, resulted in two lots of emergency medications and counting!
Once home Pipers blood and urine will need to be checked to
sustain ketone levels, today we were educated on how this is to be done.
Once again our feet have barely hit the ground and we're up! By this stages my head is spinning....numbers, needles, levels... Ketones, glucose, urine... Start pricking!! Poor
Piper! as if not already, became a little pin cushion! and by the days end barely had a spare finger left to prick! :(
Nonetheless her Drs are happy and everything for the moment is as it should be x
of Pipers Ketogenic journey....may be viewed through the main menu:
๐A diet with a difference ๐